The purpose of the Communications Committee is:
To achieve these goals, members of the committee maintain electronic lists for the entire organization and for individual committees, coordinate mounting and maintaining information on the NASIG web site and social media profiles, and consider options for implementing new electronic services. The NASIG Social Media Coordinator is a member of this committee, and is responsible for all external publicity of NASIG events.
The committee works with the Membership Services Committee to coordinate membership and with the Conference Planning and Program Planning Committees to communicate conference information and programming, as well as with various other NASIG committees to assist with their web publishing needs.
If you have any questions you may email the Communications Committee.
The responsibility of the archivist is to collect and preserve the papers and electronic documents of NASIG. The archivist will solicit, develop, organize, manage and provide access by means of an inventory to the NASIG archival records. The archivist will maintain communication with the NASIG Board and committee chairs in order to routinely acquire appropriate documents. The archivist will work with the chair of the Communications Committee to determine the scope of and preservation methods for NASIG's automated archival collection. The position of NASIG Archivist is a board appointed position, with a term of appointment not to exceed six years. An Archivist-in-Training may be appointed by the board. You may contact the NASIG Archivist directly.
Committee Annual Reports are available in the NASIG Newsletter and through the Committee Annual Reports page.
Co-Chair [lists]: Betsy Appleton (University of Texas), 23/25
Co-Chair [web]: Wendy Robertson (University of Iowa), 23/25
Lisa Barricella (East Carolina University), 24/26
Sarah Hamilton, Library of Congress, 24/26
Cleire Lauron (Kwantlen Polytechnic University), 23/25
David Macaulay (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), 23/25
Jennifer Sterling (University of North Texas), 23/25
Jeremy Whitt (UCLA Library), 24/26
Anu Moorthy (Stanford University), ex officio
Peter Whiting (University of Southern Indiana), ex officio
Social Media Coordinator
Matthew Ragucci (Wiley), 24/26
CJ Garcia (Creighton University), 24/27 (Social Media Coordinator-in-Training)
Board Liaison
Matthew Ragucci (Wiley)