The NASIG Continuing Education Committee is charged with providing the information resources management education opportunities to its membership as well as the information resources community as a whole. In this regard, the committee develops high quality programs that can be offered on a regional basis to members and potential members in all parts of North America. The content of these programs are diverse in order to reach as many segments of the community as possible, and include a range of topics, including general and specific as well as theoretical and practical aspects of serials work. The committee reviews and updates the Core Competencies. The committee collaborates with other NASIG committees to identify programs and other activities, areas of interest, sites and speakers that would be suitable for programs, joint conferences, occasional publication, and electronic forums. The committee establishes links with library and information science and academic publishing programs to cooperate on information resources management education programs and identify potential speakers from outside NASIG for programs and events. If you have questions you may email the Continuing Education Committee.
James Rhoades (University of Virginia), 23/25
Sofia Slutskaya (Emory University), 23/25
Erin Calhoun (University of Toronto), 23/25
Maria Collins (NC State University), 24/26
Beverly Geckle (Middle Tennessee State University), 23/25
Maris Hayashi (Florida Atlantic University), 24/26
Chris Vidas (Clemson University), 21/25
Board Liaison: Xiaoyan Song (North Carolina State University)