The committee also works with other NASIG committees to identify programs, sites and speakers that would be suitable for programs, joint conferences and electronic forums. The committee also provides and receives information from the Evaluations and Assessment Committee and the Online Registration Team. If you have any questions you may email the Annual Conference Program Planning Committee.
Annette Day (UNLV), 23/25
Michelle Turvey-Welch (Kansas State University), 23/25
Amanda Calabrese, (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), 23/25
Melissa Cantrell (University of Colorado Boulder), 24/26
Sarah Dennis (Ohio University), 23/25
Mandy Hurt, (Duke University), 22/26
Ranti Junus (Michigan State University), 24/26
Diana Reid (University of Louisville), 24/26
Ex Officio
Matthew Ragucci, Social Media Coordinator
Board Liaison
Jacqueline Brellenthin