40th Annual Conference
NASIG 2025
May 19 – 21, 2025
Conference Schedule
Full Conference Registration (through May 4, 2025)
- Members: $199
- Non-Members: $249
- Support Staff/Furloughed/Retired: $99
- Students: $50
- NISO / SSP Members: $224
- Group Registration, 5 registrants: $995
Please note that members need to log in before registering to see the member rate.
Group registration allows for up to 5 members from the same institution to enjoy a discounted rate regardless of membership status. During registration, you will be asked to provide registration information for all members in your group. Individuals registered under a group registration will each receive the required links to access the conference. For further questions, contact registrar@nasig.org.
Persons experiencing financial hardship but wish to attend the conference can contact NASIG.
Late Registration (May 5 – 21, 2024)
All rates will increase by $30.
Discounted Rates
Please note that discounts are for the full conference rate only and are based on whichever rate is in effect at the time of registration (Regular or Late). If you are entitled to a discount, you will receive an email containing your registration code from your committee liaison. These discounts are aligned with NASIG's Compensation and Reimbursement Policy.
- Complimentary registration will be extended to NASIG award winners, vision/plenary speakers, the UKSG Chair, CPC co-chairs, PPC co-chairs, the Registrar/Registrar-in-Training, and Sponsors.
- A 50% discount will be extended to NASIG Staff: CPC members, the Conference Coordinator, PPC members, the first year Proceedings Editor, the Proceedings Production Assistant, the Social Media Coordinator/Coordinator-in-Training, and the Sponsorship Coordinator.
- A 50% discount off the Regular registration will be extended to Concurrent Session Speakers.*
*Speaker discounts do not apply to those presenting at lightning sessions, poster sessions (Great Ideas Showcase), or snapshot sessions.
Payment Options
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or invoicing for later payment online or by mailed check. These options are on the last page of the registration form. To pay by check, email treasurer@nasig.org. All mailed checks must be received by May 5, 2025.
- The full registration amount minus a $50 processing fee will be refunded if the cancellation request is received on or before March 18, 2025.
- Fifty percent (50%) of the registration amount minus a $50 processing fee will be refunded if the cancellation request is received between March 19, 2025 and May 4, 2025.
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations received on or after May 5, 2025.
All cancellations must be sent via email to the conference registrar (registrar@nasig.org). The final decision on conference refunds rests with the NASIG President and Treasurer.

Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!


For registration questions, please email registrar@nasig.org. For questions about the conference, please email conf-plan@nasig.org.
Last updated on November 26, 2024.